If you do any kind of close-up work the Hands-Free Jewelers Loupe Glasses provides a powerful 20x magnification that is absolutely essential for jewelry or watch repair, electronics, hobbying, crafts and so much more.
The single lens is mounted on a comfortable, light-weight eyeglass frame that you'll hardly notice you're wearing, while the powerful 20x loupe gives you the focus and clarity you need for extremely detailed work. An attached, adjustable LED light makes sure your subject is illuminated even when you're bent over it.
You can slide the loupe back and forth for ideal eye position, or swivel it up 180 degrees so it is completely out of the way. The loupe can also be adjusted to be used with either eye simply by removing two screws and repositioning it to the other side of the frame.
These are not reading glasses, this is for students, collectors, engineers and hobbyists who need a powerful tool for extreme close-up work.
Features & Benefits:
- Hands-free magnification for extreme close-up work
- Great for hobbyists, collectors, crafters and anyone doing fine work
- Comfortable, light-weight eyeglass frame
- 20X magnification
- Loupe swivels 180 degrees
- Loupe slides for ideal eye position
- Can be adjusted for use with right or left eye
- Equipped with adjustable LED light
The single lens is mounted on a comfortable, light-weight eyeglass frame that you'll hardly notice you're wearing, while the powerful 20x loupe gives you the focus and clarity you need for extremely detailed work. An attached, adjustable LED light makes sure your subject is illuminated even when you're bent over it.
You can slide the loupe back and forth for ideal eye position, or swivel it up 180 degrees so it is completely out of the way. The loupe can also be adjusted to be used with either eye simply by removing two screws and repositioning it to the other side of the frame.
These are not reading glasses, this is for students, collectors, engineers and hobbyists who need a powerful tool for extreme close-up work.
Features & Benefits:
- Hands-free magnification for extreme close-up work
- Great for hobbyists, collectors, crafters and anyone doing fine work
- Comfortable, light-weight eyeglass frame
- 20X magnification
- Loupe swivels 180 degrees
- Loupe slides for ideal eye position
- Can be adjusted for use with right or left eye
- Equipped with adjustable LED light
Please check back later for more information.
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