One of television's most influential and beloved comedy programs, THE HONEYMOONERS first appeared in 1951 as a series of skits on television's "Cavalcade of Stars" before comic great Jackie Gleason was given his own program a year later.
From 1952-1955 and 1956-1957, "The Jackie Gleason Show" featured dozens of classic HONEYMOONERS productions broadcast live nationwide on CBS-TV, airing only once.
For decades, these early HONEYMOONERS telecasts were lost until Jackie Gleason began releasing them from his private film vault.
Now these rare gems, many of which have not been seen anywhere in 60 years have been restored and put on in one collectible treasure.
It's a treasure trove of the hilarious antics of hapless Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason), his long-suffering but loving wife Alice (Audrey Meadows), Ralph's neighbor and pal, sewer worker Ed Norton (Art Carney) and Norton's wife Trixie (Joyce Randolph).
This is a must-have collection for any fan of classic television comedy which appeals to laugh-loving viewers of all ages.
Bonus Features:
Behind the Scenes
From 1952-1955 and 1956-1957, "The Jackie Gleason Show" featured dozens of classic HONEYMOONERS productions broadcast live nationwide on CBS-TV, airing only once.
For decades, these early HONEYMOONERS telecasts were lost until Jackie Gleason began releasing them from his private film vault.
Now these rare gems, many of which have not been seen anywhere in 60 years have been restored and put on in one collectible treasure.
It's a treasure trove of the hilarious antics of hapless Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason), his long-suffering but loving wife Alice (Audrey Meadows), Ralph's neighbor and pal, sewer worker Ed Norton (Art Carney) and Norton's wife Trixie (Joyce Randolph).
This is a must-have collection for any fan of classic television comedy which appeals to laugh-loving viewers of all ages.
Bonus Features:
Behind the Scenes
Please check back later for more information.
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